Monday, July 30, 2007

Home Projects

In our new house the girls playroom is half the size that it used to be. This has caused me to be creative with the space. I gave alot of big toys away and tried organizing well. The girls grandparents had bought them a toy organizer a couple of years ago. It worked fine for what it was, but the little baskets were sturdy would fall of the rack and would always look messy. So I got rid of it blessed someone else with it. I bought some more sturdy colorful baskets, and rolling bins. I had Eddie build me a custom shelving unit to hold everything. I can't wait to show you pictures......

Other projects in the future... #4 would be first on the list.

1. Guest bathroom: bead board on walls

2. Entryway: Have Eddie build a hall tree with a bench

3. Backporch: Tile it, install a ceiling fan, put in a metal shelving unit to hold a small tv and other stuff.

4. Girls rooms: Have Eddie build loft beds... Cinderella carriage for Isabel and doll house for Emma. The only mofifications I would make would be that there wouldn't be a bed under the dollhouse she would sleep on top. I would make the bottom a reading area. Same goes for the cinderella bed the bottom would be a reading area and Isabel would sleep on top

Friday, July 27, 2007


We joined "The Y" last week. I like it.. I take the street beat and zumba classes. And my girls like playing in the kid zone and swimming in the beach style pool. My husband is on a fitness kick. That's a good thing. Our girls drink organic milk (it's twice the price of regular milk). And we are eating 100% whole wheat bread. Also today we started counting our calorie intake. So far for me 290 for breakfast. Here is a great website (free) for you guys and gals who want to get healthy To count calories you can use

Just for Fun

You could win an iPhone... yeah right what are the chances.. this is still fun.

Help pick the best gadget of all times.

Monday, July 23, 2007


The other morning my 2 year old locked herself in my room with our dog. As I proceeded to unlock the door, I could hear her singing "I Love You Lord". I decidied to just let her stay there and worship.

Isabel got her 4 year old checkup the other day. After all the tests, her doctor made the comment that she should just skip kindergarden altogether. That made me smile.

Emma has been mentioning that there are monsters in her room. So what do we used to keep the monstors out? Baby powder. I spread it on the carpet around her bed, then Isabel comes and prays with her. I then turn the ipod on Baby Einstein Lullibies.

My favorites time in the morning in when at 6:00 am, both my girls wake up and come into my bed where we snuggle and sleep for 1 hour longer.

Right now, Emma went into the pantry, got some crackers and is now sharing with her sister and the dog.. Oh no, the crackers just went all over the floor. Isabel just commented that now all the crackers have to go to Loba. They are having a blast. Emma just said "Mama, I think Loba likes it."

Gotta run.. bath time, devotional time, bed time....

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our Trip

All I've got to say is that we stopped 7 times on the way there and 3 times on the way back.
Took 6 hours to get there and 5 hours to get back.

Thanks to the 2 ladies who let me and Emma cut in front of you in the bathroom line.
And to the lady that was in front of you, how could you not let this adorable 2 year old go first.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Movie Review

Transformers: This movie was excellent. I loved it. It had drama, romance, action, everything. I can't wait until it comes out on DVD. Bumblebee is my favorite.

Blood Diamond: Another good film. Sad that humans go through what they do just for diamonds.

Pan's Labriyth: Excellent foreign film. Loved it, my husband loved it.

Live Free Die Hard: Saw this one last night. Towards the end the film messed up for a good five minutes. Got free tickets. Typical action packed film. I liked it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Happy Anniversary Eddie

It's been 8 years... wow... can't wait until we get to go to Hawaii in 2 years....
Hope you have a wonderful day

Verse of the Day

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.
Romans 12:12 NLT

Monday, July 09, 2007

Letter Games

Letter Search: Your child will have fun running around the house searching for letter cards you've hidden. Each time he finds a letter he must say it aloud. Once he finds all the letters he can be rewarded with a small prize.

ABC Hopscotch: Play hopscotch but fill the sidewalk squares with letters or letter tiles instead of numbers!

Mix 'n' Match: Make two sets of alphabet cards: one of lowercase and one of uppercase letters. The object of the game is to match the uppercase and lowercase versions of each letter.

Letter March: Place alphabet cards on the floor forming a circle. Now play marching music and invite your child to step on the cards while marching to the beat. When you stop the music he must freeze in place and say the names of the letter he is standing on. Remove that letter, as in musical chairs, and repeat until only one special letter remains.

Play Tic Tac Toe: Instead of an X and an O, play with lowercase b and d, which are among the more difficult letters for children to recognize because they look so similar. Or choose any two letters your child might be having trouble identifying, or let your child choose any two letters she likes. It's an engaging way to practice visual discrimination.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Locks of Love

Here are pictures of isabel getting her hair cut to donate it to locks of love.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Your Daily Walk - Psalm 10-13 Wisdom vs Folly

A young child awakens and, for the next hour, resists all his parent's attempts to get him dressed, fed and on his way to school. If you were his parent, how would you feel?
The same child awakens, goes to his closet, selects his clothes and dresses himself without being asked. the net result is the same: He is dressed. But how do you as his parent feel?
A wise son obeys his father willingly; a foolish son only does so grudgingly or under compulsion. Which characterizes your obedience to your heavenly Father? Read Proverbs 10:1 thoughtfully. Then complete this sentence: Today I want to bring gladness (rather than heaviness) to the heart of God by gladly (rather than grudgingly) obeying him in the matter of _____________________. Now that's putting wisdom to work!

The opposite of ignorance in the spiritual realm is not knowledge but obedience.

Monday, July 02, 2007

7-Elevens turn into 'Simpsons' Kwik-E-Marts

It’s rumored that there are only two things in Texas, steers and The Simpsons!
6833 Northwest Highway
Dallas, TX 75225

I definately want to go see this one. Check out the article here

Damsels in Distress

On Friday, I was working from home. The girls and I were in the garage, they were riding bikes and playing with chalk. After about 2 times of the girls going in and out, I finally had to go in to get something. The door was locked. I had no keys and every window and other door was locked too. I only had my phone, laptop, and a pint size of water. I tried to break in but that didn't work. Then I called my husband and he had a brilliant idea of how to get in the house. He called our friend who is a fire-fighter as well to help out. 45 minutes later, he arrived and we were in the house. Thank you Steve.