1. What employer-employee, teacher-pupil relationship has affected you the most?
I remember my second grade teacher, Ms Bedford, had to paddle me because I got mad for missing recess (I never did my math) and bit another teacher. Ms. Bedford also was the one who went to the library to check out nursing books for me and put them on my very own special table so that I could read when I was done with my work. She was a great teacher.
Moses has just died and now Joshua is the leader. God has promised him the land across the Jordan. God promised Joshua that He would give him every place Joshua sets his foot, and no one would be able to stand against him. God reminds him to obey all the law that he gave Moses, and promises that He will be with Joshua wherever he goes. In order to be prosperous and succeed, I must meditate on God's word night and day and do everything written in it. Success here means that I will succeed in being in God's will.
I love these verses... "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."