Monday, September 19, 2005

No Pull ups on this kid.....

Isabel had 4 accidents at church on Sunday. Her teacher asked me if I could bring her in a pull up next week. My first thought is "no". I don't want her to think that it's ok to go in a pull up and that just because she's at church doesn't mean that she can play and play and forget to go potty. Even if I have to sit with her in class, I'm not putting her in a pull up. In my opinion pull ups are for those who are too lazy and who don't want to be inconvienced with carrying extra clothes and washing countless of underwear a day. I don't care if I'm inconvienced. Hey they were the ones who were pushing to have the kids potty trained so they wouldn't have to change diapers in class. You've made your bed, now.....

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