Someone I used to consider a friend, (we'll call her Stan, (names have been changed to protect the innocent))I no longer do. I think our relationship started fading away at least 1.5 years ago. She used to take care of Isabel as an infant but when Isabel turned 1 yrs old I started having someone else take care of her. Let me just tell you it was the best decision ever. Isabel was a happier baby, and I was a happier mommy. (Never mix business and doesn't work at least not for me). Anyways... needless to say we stopped hanging out. Not that I haven't tried to restore the friendship. She's made comments like "Tracy is my only friend" (she's your cousin, she has to like you)...that's strike number one Or when I say "Hey we haven't hung out in a while, we should get together" the reply was "WE don't hang out"....Ok strike two. Or the times when she's being Stan (Shoot that ain't nothing), you know always trying to one-up me on everything. It gets old.
So I've just stop talking to her altogether. I only talk to her when I need to,
other than that I don't even utter a "hi".
Do you know what's sad? We are both teachers in our church. And we are both acting like kids. Last night as I was leaving she was standing in the doorway, I said "excuse me" she moved and I passed through as I heard her say "Gosh I'm just standing in the doorway, relax"...
That did it. It's not like I said "Move! you're in my way"... all I said was "excuse me", I didn't shout, in fact it was in a very monotone voice.
Well she called and left a message saying "Hey wanted to talk to you to see if eveything is ok".... whatever
I asked my husband what should I do.. cause I'm not good at confronting people or being confronted. I either try to avoid the confrontation completely or if confronted I'm either very passive, won't say anything... or I go into complete attack mode.
He said I sould return the call, realizing that satan is at work, and would like nothing more to bring division in our church...
He's right, but I still don't want to call.
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