Monday, May 29, 2006
Memorial Day (UPDATED)
It's Memorial Day, I spending my time in Odessa,TX with my grandparents. Our spring family mission trip. Eddie is remodleing the breakfast nook today. My Wuela and I made ribs and chicken for lunch. We had guacamole, potato salad, and baked beans to go with it. Mmmmm good. In our room I have a Dora video running non-stop it has 4 videos on it and will keep playing over and over again. Emma has barely left that room. I on the other hand have been watcing the Deadliest Catch marathon on the Discovery Channel. I like this show it's very interesting. Hope everyone else had a good Labor Day.
Friday, May 26, 2006
We Did It
I took the step and removed the front of Emma's crib. Now it's a toddler bed. When Isabel moved to a toddler bed she was 16 months old. I had to get her accustomed because, Emma was on the way, and needed the crib.
Emma is almost 20 months old. I put on the Dora sheets, pillow and conforter. She liked it. The one thing about moving a baby to a toddler bed is that they have to learn how not to fall out. When Isabel was learning, she had the priviledge of falling out onto carpet. Emma has wood floors in her room, actually the whole house does. So, to make the falling out of be painless, I put her Dora blowup bed next to her bed so when she fell out it wouldn't hurt.
At 12:30 Eddie found her on the Dora blowup bed. At 4:30 she had the top half of her body on her bed, and her bottom half hanging off of the side. It'll take a couple of weeks, but she'll get the hang of it.
Emma is almost 20 months old. I put on the Dora sheets, pillow and conforter. She liked it. The one thing about moving a baby to a toddler bed is that they have to learn how not to fall out. When Isabel was learning, she had the priviledge of falling out onto carpet. Emma has wood floors in her room, actually the whole house does. So, to make the falling out of be painless, I put her Dora blowup bed next to her bed so when she fell out it wouldn't hurt.
At 12:30 Eddie found her on the Dora blowup bed. At 4:30 she had the top half of her body on her bed, and her bottom half hanging off of the side. It'll take a couple of weeks, but she'll get the hang of it.
Galatians 1
Amazing Grace...I was blind but now see.
God is so good. To take a man, Paul, who was killing Christians, turn his life around, and use him to preach the Gospel. That is a wonderful testimony. God shows me that there is hope for the alcoholics, drug addicts, the "nobodys" of this world. Everyone matters to Him. He can use us, in our most pitiful state, if we just let Him.
Lord, I will continually pray for all the "nobodys" of the world, the people that society has pushed aside. I pray that you would open their eyes that they might see your love and grace that you offer freely. I pray that you would us them and us in a mighty way to further your kingdom, by spreading your Gospel to the lost.
God is so good. To take a man, Paul, who was killing Christians, turn his life around, and use him to preach the Gospel. That is a wonderful testimony. God shows me that there is hope for the alcoholics, drug addicts, the "nobodys" of this world. Everyone matters to Him. He can use us, in our most pitiful state, if we just let Him.
Lord, I will continually pray for all the "nobodys" of the world, the people that society has pushed aside. I pray that you would open their eyes that they might see your love and grace that you offer freely. I pray that you would us them and us in a mighty way to further your kingdom, by spreading your Gospel to the lost.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
My Two Dads
Isabel got this doll for Christmas
It's a Little People® Learn-to-Dress® Eddie™
As you can see "Eddie" is a fighterfighter, just like my husband Eddie. Needless to say this is a cool doll to have.
Yesterday after picking up Isabel, she starts to whine "I want my daddy!"
I said "We'll see Daddy in a minute"
"No, I want my other Daddy!" she replies.
I give her this what are you talking about look.
"That one", she says as she points to the "Eddie" doll.
I had to hold in my laughter! I don't think she would be calling the doll "Daddy" had it's name not been "Eddie"
It's a Little People® Learn-to-Dress® Eddie™

As you can see "Eddie" is a fighterfighter, just like my husband Eddie. Needless to say this is a cool doll to have.
Yesterday after picking up Isabel, she starts to whine "I want my daddy!"
I said "We'll see Daddy in a minute"
"No, I want my other Daddy!" she replies.
I give her this what are you talking about look.
"That one", she says as she points to the "Eddie" doll.
I had to hold in my laughter! I don't think she would be calling the doll "Daddy" had it's name not been "Eddie"
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
A little selfish
The other day, I had Isabel by the hand and we were on our way to my bedroom. Emma was on the couch watching Dora. I stopped and asked
"Hey Emma, do you want to go with us?"
Isabel immediately responded with.
"Say no, Emma" "Say no, Emma"
"Hey Emma, do you want to go with us?"
Isabel immediately responded with.
"Say no, Emma" "Say no, Emma"
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
To be or not to be that is the question
My counsins had to grow up with a drug addict father, and no mother. They lived with us when they were younger, but then one day the drug addict father got upset because the younger one was spanked for acting up in school. He took them away. Weeks later, we get a call begging us to take them back. Sorry no can do. The older one went to live with an aunt, actually several aunts, my mom included. I took the younger one to live with his mother, who was stable at the time. The older one ended up living with a friend durning high school. The older one will make it, going to college in the fall. Don't know about the younger one. ADD, no parental involvement, barely goes to school, always getting into trouble.
Sad just sad. But I'm a firm believer that it shouldn't matter what enviroment you grow up in. If you want to make something of yourself you can, you have the power to be somebody. I pray that these two boys both make it.
Sad just sad. But I'm a firm believer that it shouldn't matter what enviroment you grow up in. If you want to make something of yourself you can, you have the power to be somebody. I pray that these two boys both make it.
Books, Books, and more books
The Scholastic warehouse on 360 and Mayfield is open to the public this week until Thrusday night at 8:00 pm. You can get 50% off on all books. It's a great deal.
Monday, May 22, 2006
The ABCs of my life
The ABCs of my life.
Accent: Pure Texan, born and raised.
Bible Book that I like: Colossians
Chore I don't care for: Mopping
Dog or Cat: I love dogs
Essential Electronics: Cell Phone... can't leave home without it.
Favorite Cologne: Obsession, by Calvin Klein
Gold or Silver: White Gold
Handbag I Carry Most Often: $12 small purse from Target
Insomnia: No... I can sleep anywhere, anytime.
Job Title: Software Developer
Kids: Two girls; ages 3 and 19 months
Living Arrangements: I live in a big house with my family. Hopeing to downsize soon. (the house, not the family)
Most Admirable Trait: Generosity, I think
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Bitting the 2nd grade teacher. After 3 paddles, I never did that again.
Overnight Hospital Stays: 2 -- the births of my daughters
Phobias: Tight places, and the dark
Quote: To be or not to be, that is the question.
Religion: Not religion, a relationship with Christ.
Siblings: One sister, Felicia
Time I Wake Up: 5:00 am
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Mushrooms (is that a vege?)
Worst Habit: Loosing things...all the time.
X-rays: CT scan on my head (I'm normal)
Yummy Stuff I Cook: Chicken Enchiladas, yummy to my tummy.
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Polar the San Diego Zoo
Accent: Pure Texan, born and raised.
Bible Book that I like: Colossians
Chore I don't care for: Mopping
Dog or Cat: I love dogs
Essential Electronics: Cell Phone... can't leave home without it.
Favorite Cologne: Obsession, by Calvin Klein
Gold or Silver: White Gold
Handbag I Carry Most Often: $12 small purse from Target
Insomnia: No... I can sleep anywhere, anytime.
Job Title: Software Developer
Kids: Two girls; ages 3 and 19 months
Living Arrangements: I live in a big house with my family. Hopeing to downsize soon. (the house, not the family)
Most Admirable Trait: Generosity, I think
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Bitting the 2nd grade teacher. After 3 paddles, I never did that again.
Overnight Hospital Stays: 2 -- the births of my daughters
Phobias: Tight places, and the dark
Quote: To be or not to be, that is the question.
Religion: Not religion, a relationship with Christ.
Siblings: One sister, Felicia
Time I Wake Up: 5:00 am
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Mushrooms (is that a vege?)
Worst Habit: Loosing things...all the time.
X-rays: CT scan on my head (I'm normal)
Yummy Stuff I Cook: Chicken Enchiladas, yummy to my tummy.
Zoo Animal I Like Most: Polar the San Diego Zoo
Circle One: M F B
In a recent conversation with Isabel, she made the following comments.
"Daddy's a boy, like Jacob. Mommy's a girl like me."
"What's Emma?" I asked
"A baby"
"Daddy's a boy, like Jacob. Mommy's a girl like me."
"What's Emma?" I asked
"A baby"
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Cinderella Party - Part 2
Cinderella Party
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
John 16
I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
Lord, just incase I didn't ask in your name.
I pray that you will move us to a new home in Arlington, by the end of the month of June. I pray that an offer will be put on this house by the end of the month of May. I pray that you will heal my daughter of bronchitis, and remove the ezcema from Isabel'a and my eyes. I pray that you will give me help with my project at work, and that I complete it soon, real soon. I ask all of this in Jesus name.
Lord, just incase I didn't ask in your name.
I pray that you will move us to a new home in Arlington, by the end of the month of June. I pray that an offer will be put on this house by the end of the month of May. I pray that you will heal my daughter of bronchitis, and remove the ezcema from Isabel'a and my eyes. I pray that you will give me help with my project at work, and that I complete it soon, real soon. I ask all of this in Jesus name.
I got boogers
The one thing that I hoped not to pass down to my children was my allergies. But I did. Actually I really don't know if I did or not, because Eddie never had allergies until he moved here, within the last year he's acquired them. Isabel allergies are acting up, which inturn makes the ezcema around her eyes flare up. We went to the doctor today, and he gave me samples of Eucerin. Let me tell you, it's made a world of a difference. No bumps, and just smoother skin around the eye. I get it too, so I tried it on myself, and it works. Not completely gone, but looks alot better, not dry.
Emma, she's got bronchitis. Poor thing. So not only is she on an antibiotic, he told me to give her some of Isabel's Histex as well. He's hopeing that will help all the mucus. If she's not better, he will put her on albuterol. Isabel was on that as well through an inhaler, before being put on Singular daily. I hope it doesn't come to that for Emma.
I on the other hand have lived with allergies all my life. I'm used to it by now. I don't take drugs, unless, I'm totally sick. Allegra 180, and Nanonex. Prednasone, if I'm really bad off.
As I sit here writing, Isabel is sniffeling, saying "I got boogers"... I know honey me too.
Emma, she's got bronchitis. Poor thing. So not only is she on an antibiotic, he told me to give her some of Isabel's Histex as well. He's hopeing that will help all the mucus. If she's not better, he will put her on albuterol. Isabel was on that as well through an inhaler, before being put on Singular daily. I hope it doesn't come to that for Emma.
I on the other hand have lived with allergies all my life. I'm used to it by now. I don't take drugs, unless, I'm totally sick. Allegra 180, and Nanonex. Prednasone, if I'm really bad off.
As I sit here writing, Isabel is sniffeling, saying "I got boogers"... I know honey me too.
Monday, May 15, 2006
My Identity
I didn't realize how important a driver's license was until I lost mine.
I can't withdrawl money from a teller, without a signature card.
I can't show it to the officer when I get pulled over.
I can't get a copy of my birth certificate.
I can't purchase anything with my debit card, if they don't have one of those keypads to punch in your PIN.
So today, I'm on a mission. I'm going to have my sister get a copy of my birth certificate for me... if she has time.
Then I'm going to take that along with my social security card, marriage license, and insurance card to the DPS office to obtain a driver's license. Then I'll exsist again.
I can't withdrawl money from a teller, without a signature card.
I can't show it to the officer when I get pulled over.
I can't get a copy of my birth certificate.
I can't purchase anything with my debit card, if they don't have one of those keypads to punch in your PIN.
So today, I'm on a mission. I'm going to have my sister get a copy of my birth certificate for me... if she has time.
Then I'm going to take that along with my social security card, marriage license, and insurance card to the DPS office to obtain a driver's license. Then I'll exsist again.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
John 13
14Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. 15I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
Serving others. People who say thank you, people who do things for you in return, nice people, grateful people. That's the easy part
Serving others. The people who betray you, cut you down, people who don't appreciate you, people who are hostile against you, people who don't notice. That's the hard part.
Lord, help me serve others with a sincere heart. Not wanting anything in return.
Serving others. People who say thank you, people who do things for you in return, nice people, grateful people. That's the easy part
Serving others. The people who betray you, cut you down, people who don't appreciate you, people who are hostile against you, people who don't notice. That's the hard part.
Lord, help me serve others with a sincere heart. Not wanting anything in return.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Not Just Another Day
I remember my 16th birthday. I got a bathing suit from my mom. It was a one piece black suit, but it showed major cleavage. I loved that suit. Looking back, I don't see how my mom ever let me wear it.
I remember my 21st birthday. It was the funnest weekend, my friends took me out, we danced all night, then the following day, we went to a Jay Perez concert at UTA. I knew the bass player farely well, so they sung Happy Birthday to me... that was cool. We were sitting on the first row in the stands, and there were guards standing on the track not wanting us to get out of the stands. After much protest, and the ok, from the lead singer, I was the first to climb over the rail, soon others followed and we began Tejano dancing on the track. It was fun.
I remember my 24th birthday. I was graduating from College and I traded my 2 year old Honda Civic for a new Honda CRV, as a present to myself. I was also getting ready for my wedding in July.
I remember my 29th birthday. Just two days before I gave birth to Isabel. On my birthday, I begged the doctors to let me go home, even though I still had high blood pressure. They did, and I had a cake waiting for me when I got home.
I remember my 30th birthday. I was moving into my new house and unpacking. Not fun. I finally had a 80's party at my house in June. It was a blast. We had a costume contest, Limbo contest, and other games. Me and David (a friend of ours) did a rendition of Bohemian Raposdy for everyone, it was hilarious.
And now we come to today....
I remember my 21st birthday. It was the funnest weekend, my friends took me out, we danced all night, then the following day, we went to a Jay Perez concert at UTA. I knew the bass player farely well, so they sung Happy Birthday to me... that was cool. We were sitting on the first row in the stands, and there were guards standing on the track not wanting us to get out of the stands. After much protest, and the ok, from the lead singer, I was the first to climb over the rail, soon others followed and we began Tejano dancing on the track. It was fun.
I remember my 24th birthday. I was graduating from College and I traded my 2 year old Honda Civic for a new Honda CRV, as a present to myself. I was also getting ready for my wedding in July.
I remember my 29th birthday. Just two days before I gave birth to Isabel. On my birthday, I begged the doctors to let me go home, even though I still had high blood pressure. They did, and I had a cake waiting for me when I got home.
I remember my 30th birthday. I was moving into my new house and unpacking. Not fun. I finally had a 80's party at my house in June. It was a blast. We had a costume contest, Limbo contest, and other games. Me and David (a friend of ours) did a rendition of Bohemian Raposdy for everyone, it was hilarious.
And now we come to today....
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
It's beautiful, simply beautiful
My mom gave me my birthday gift early yesterday. We went out to eat at my favorite restaurant The Cheesecake Factory. I got the name bracelet that I wanted (this was a gift from my girls) and I got four charms for my charm bracelet.
Thank You! I love it.
Thank You! I love it.
Monday, May 08, 2006
My Little Hurricane

2003 Hurricane Isabel hit the US. Earlier in the year, Isabel hit our lives. And it's been a whirlwind ever since. You have kept us on our toes. From late night feedings, almost chopping off your pinking (not literally), learning how to walk with the help of SMO's, teething, getting rid of the pacifier, learning how to talk, learning your abc's, learning how to ride your bike, POTTY TRAINING, and now you are 3. Happy Birthday.
Hope you have fun today at Pump It Up and at the Fort Worth Zoo. I pray that you will have a wonderful year and I'm so proud of you. You did a great job yesterday as you sang "He's got the whole world in his hands" and "B-I-B-L-E" at church for the special. You are such a big girl. I can't wait until your party on Friday. I hope you have a blast. I love you.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Holding Pattern
It's 2:51 am Sunday morning. I'm at work. I arrived at 1:15 to help with the install of Interaction Client on over 200 machines. We started the install and each one only got to install about 4 machines, before it came to a screeching halt. Before then the electricity went out and we had been running on the generator for about an hour. Generator is back up and now a new telephony board is being installed on the server. Hopefully we can continue the installs within the next 10 mintues..... There is no plan B. So with a Mexican Coca-Cola in hand, and a snickers in my belly, I bid you adeiu, all you people out there in dreamland.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Spider, I'm gonna squish you like the freaking bug you are
Ok, it's that time of year again. All the bugs are coming up from under the ground. We've got worms, spiders, and june bugs. June bugs are staying outside, but the spiders and worms are coming in. These aren't just little spiders either, these suckers are huge. As I was taking clothes to the laundry room, one was crawing into the kitchen. Since I was barefoot, I couldn't step on it, so I had to call for back up.
This morning I jump in the shower and there is a worm on the wall by the faucet.
I let it be, since I really don't know how to kill it. I mean if I chop it up, it'll just mutate. So I take my shower. At the end of the shower I look back and it's gone. Holy cow, where the heck did it go? I can't find it anywhere. My hope is that it fell and went down the drain. My fear is that somehow it got on me or got in my hair. So I washed my hair again. Well after freaking out for about two minutes, I found it at the bottom of the wall. Great I'm safe.
I hate bugs. I wish they'd just go away.
This morning I jump in the shower and there is a worm on the wall by the faucet.
I let it be, since I really don't know how to kill it. I mean if I chop it up, it'll just mutate. So I take my shower. At the end of the shower I look back and it's gone. Holy cow, where the heck did it go? I can't find it anywhere. My hope is that it fell and went down the drain. My fear is that somehow it got on me or got in my hair. So I washed my hair again. Well after freaking out for about two minutes, I found it at the bottom of the wall. Great I'm safe.
I hate bugs. I wish they'd just go away.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
It's Pinky w/ no Brain
The other day I put on mascara. Now I don't know how old this mascara was, but lets just say that it's been forever since I've bought mascara. Well since it was an allergy day, I got home and rubbed, rubbed, rubbed my eyes. Well life happened, and I went to bed without taking off my makeup. At 11:00 I woke up with pink eye. For the rest of the night I got up every 2 hours to put Vigamox in it. At 5:00 in the morning I called Jeff (my boss) to let him know that I probably wasn't coming into work. I tried logging, was successful, and then got booted out. So I went back to bed. I woke up at 7:30 and started my day, I was able to log back into work and worked for about an hour. By 9:00, my eye was clear, so I put in a fresh pair of contacts, loaded up the girls and went to work.
Note to self: Buy new mascara, take off mascara at night.
Note to self: Buy new mascara, take off mascara at night.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Congratulations Graduates
We have 2 people graduating in our family.
First I like to say congrats to Jacob Gomez. You made it through kindergarden with flying colors, you can write cursive, tell time, know all your numbers, and can read. This is just the beginning, I pray that you will continue to excel in school in the years to come.
Last but not least contrats to Lydia Valenzuela. Six years, wow they flew by fast, but your done with college. Wow, Magna Cum Laude, that is too cool. And not only graduating with honors, but you already have job. Wow, the principal wanted YOU, because her daughter was going to kindergarden! How cool is that. Those first graders are going to be blessed to have a teacher like you. This is just the beginning, I pray that you will continue to excel in school in the years to come.
First I like to say congrats to Jacob Gomez. You made it through kindergarden with flying colors, you can write cursive, tell time, know all your numbers, and can read. This is just the beginning, I pray that you will continue to excel in school in the years to come.
Last but not least contrats to Lydia Valenzuela. Six years, wow they flew by fast, but your done with college. Wow, Magna Cum Laude, that is too cool. And not only graduating with honors, but you already have job. Wow, the principal wanted YOU, because her daughter was going to kindergarden! How cool is that. Those first graders are going to be blessed to have a teacher like you. This is just the beginning, I pray that you will continue to excel in school in the years to come.
Music by Evard Greig
I couldn't be more proud. Isabel watches Little Einstein, and on Saturday morning, I caught her singing one of the classical musical pieces featured on one of the episodes. On Monday, I was singing it too, which sparked a debate within the IT department on what the name of the song was. I swear, we'll do anything to take a break.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
John 7
18He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth;
Just as Jesus spoke and worked only to honor the father, I should work to honor the Fahter and not to gain honor for myself.
Lord, thank you for giving me a job that I love. I pray that I will always honor you in the work that I do, and that I will give all honor to you. Lord when I finish this project everyone will know it was because of your wisdom that I was able to complete it.
Just as Jesus spoke and worked only to honor the father, I should work to honor the Fahter and not to gain honor for myself.
Lord, thank you for giving me a job that I love. I pray that I will always honor you in the work that I do, and that I will give all honor to you. Lord when I finish this project everyone will know it was because of your wisdom that I was able to complete it.
Who is Jesus #1
What God says about Jesus: Jesus is God. His name Emmanuel means "God with us"
Hebrews 1:8
But about the Son he says,
"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever,
and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.
John 5:22-23
22Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, 23that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.
Who do you believe Jesus is?
Hebrews 1:8
But about the Son he says,
"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever,
and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.
John 5:22-23
22Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, 23that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.
Who do you believe Jesus is?
Monday, May 01, 2006
In two weeks, Isabel will have her Princess Ball. She is starting to get excited about it. I'm starting to have nightmares about it. I don't know why. I just want it to be perfect for her, I can't wait to see her face light up when Cinderella walks through the door, and I hope she doesn't bust into tears whenever Cinderella leaves.
On Saturday, someone looked at our house. I got the call at 9:30, that they wanted to see it between 11 and 1. So for 1.5 hours I busted my butt to make sure that everything was in it's place. Do you now how hard that is to do, especially when you and a 1 and 3 year old wanting to "help you". At 10:15 I put Isabel in the car, and at 10:35 I put Emma in the car... they were listening to a saturday morning kid radio show, and I kept going in and out of the garage cleaning things. Finally at 11:05, I jumped in the car to leave. As I turned the key, the car made the sound like it didn't want to start. Heck it had been running on battery for 45 minutes.... So I started praying... please, please start... it would not have been cool, being stuck there when prospective buyers were on their way..... after 3 seconds it started... Yes! And off we were, for our fun filled day, with no showers and no breakfast, but a clean house.
On Saturday, someone looked at our house. I got the call at 9:30, that they wanted to see it between 11 and 1. So for 1.5 hours I busted my butt to make sure that everything was in it's place. Do you now how hard that is to do, especially when you and a 1 and 3 year old wanting to "help you". At 10:15 I put Isabel in the car, and at 10:35 I put Emma in the car... they were listening to a saturday morning kid radio show, and I kept going in and out of the garage cleaning things. Finally at 11:05, I jumped in the car to leave. As I turned the key, the car made the sound like it didn't want to start. Heck it had been running on battery for 45 minutes.... So I started praying... please, please start... it would not have been cool, being stuck there when prospective buyers were on their way..... after 3 seconds it started... Yes! And off we were, for our fun filled day, with no showers and no breakfast, but a clean house.
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