Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pinky Attacks

Well it's official I have pink eye in both eyes and it's bad.... Emma had it last week, now I have it. It started Friday morning. I was hoping it was just allergies, because they were acting up, but it just got worst, and on Monday morning when I got to work, my boss encouraged me to go to the doctor. I did and I was sent home for the rest of the day. Today I got up, and it's not any better, I put my drops in yesterday, and the doctor said I could come back to work today, but now my throat is a little sore and my head is congested. I can't go home even if I wanted to, because I put my van in the shop yesterday for routine maintanence, and left my garage door opener in the van. You see the lock on my front door is broken, so I've been going through the garage. I hope I make it through today.,

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