Tonight is the big night. We are going to a high school football game, where my God-son is playing and has been nominated for Prince.
I remember when I was in high school and jr. high. Friday night football was it. I've been going since jr. high, when the Permian Panthers were at the top of their game. We went because it was the social event to do. Conversation was great, touch-downs gave you a high, and at the end of the night our team would always win. In Odessa, the whole city would practically shut down early just to go to the game. Especially when it was OHS vs. Permian.
In high school we moved from west texas to north texas. Just wasn't the same, not my team and not my town. But, I made it my own. I will forever be an Arlington Colt. Colts take great pride of their school, and I've recently found that I work with two former Colts.
Well tonight, I'm going to the homecoming of my kids future school. We are taking our girls with us. This will be the start of a great family past time. Friday night football games. Just can't beat that.
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