Friday, December 16, 2005

Annual Wish List

Every year I give my friends and family my annual wish list. That way they know exactly what to get me. I think it's help everyone all around. They don't have to rack their brains trying to figure out what to get me and I don't have to wait in a line for hours waiting to return something. So here goes.

1. A echthus silver charm for my bracelet (Christian fish).. $4-7.00 at Dixie's (Randolmill and 360)
2. A Costco gift card so I can buy the 2 packs of scrapbook paper (card stock and differnt designs) 11.00 and 13.00
3. $10 ITunes card so I can buy the new Third Day album... (you can get it at Best Buy)

See that wasn't so bad...

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