Normally on Wednesday's I leave work, pick up the kids, go to the dollar store to buy stuff for my Mission Friends class, go to my sister's or in-laws house, feed the girls, pick up a someone, and head to church where I set up for class and get ready to teach about 6-9 two-three year olds. This is all in a 3 hour time span.
Well yesterday I was exhausted. After all my running around, my sister informed me that Emma had pink eye. Sad to say, but a wave of relief washed over me. I've got plenty of pink eye medicine at the house, so I made some phone calls, and one more trip to drop all my class material off and headed home.
My mom was there to greet me. Isabel was asleep, and stayed asleep. Emma was being spoiled rotten by my mom as I made chicken quesadillas. We watched American Idol, and I dozed off to never never land. I got the much need sleep that I needed. It's so nice to have a day off every once in a while.
Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. Psalm 116:7
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