Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Human Life at Stake

"I am pro-life," Frist maintained. "I believe life begins at conception. It is at this moment that the organism is complete — yes, immature — but complete. An embryo is nascent human life."
But in spite of that, he went on: "I also believe that embryonic stem-cell research should be encouraged and supported."

How can someone who agrees that life begins at conception, support embryoic stem cell research? Did he go brain dead? I'm posting a link to this article so that everyone can be aware that

"I don't think we can dare cross that ethical divide," Coburn said, "nor should we even consider crossing it, especially when what we're seeing is so much positive research being done with adult stem-cell research and cord blood stem-cell research."
Coburn, a medical doctor like Frist, asked: "Shouldn't we try everything else but embryonic stem-cell research first? That's the question we ought to be asking our selves, because if we're going to devalue embryos, what's next?"

What's next... I'll tell you what's next. They are going to want to start creating embryos just to destroy them. Cloning is what that is called.

"Adult stem-cell research offers the promise of cures," Swann said, "not the mere 'dream' Frist spoke of today. A dream of cures through embryonic stem-cell research is a nightmare for the unborn."

Please get informed on this issue. You can read the article in it's entirety by clicking on the link below.

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