Thursday, May 12, 2005

But you said...

Yesterday, my sister tried to give my dog Loba away. You see she is going to board them at her house until we can get a fence up. I had told her that she could keep them if she wanted them. She took that to mean that I wanted to give them away. So she told this guy at work that we wanted to give away our Siberian Huskey.

"No I don't want to give her away, she's my dog"
"Oh well, you told me I could have them, so I thought you wanted to get rid of them"
"That's because I'd be able to see them anytime I wanted"
"I love Loba, you can't give away my dog"

It's funny how you say one thing and other people what you say, add what they want to it, and say "but you said"... no I didn't.

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